akamileone | Kaleido DreadNoughtus NFT's | Request

Please use the form below to request a free minted NFT of your choice from the akamileone YouTube video you saw it in. This offer is only available to our subscribers and/or followers on YouTube, Twitter and/or Pinterest, and the free NFT is only valid once the YouTube video has had a minimum of 2000 views.

  Request A Free Minted NFT
* NFT Video Number:
The number shown at the begining of the video you are requesting the NFT from.
* Puzzle Piece Numbers:
The sequence of numbers shown on puzzle pieces at different points in the video
(in the exact same sequence that they were displayed in this video).
* Preferred NFT:
The number (KDN-xxxxx) of the NFT that you are requesting.
* Alternate NFT:
An alternate number (KDN-xxxxx) in case the first NFT you are requesting is not available.
* Your Platform ID:
Your YouTube, Twitter or Pinterest ID is needed to confirm that you are an
akamileone subscriber/follower on at least one of these platforms.
Email Address:
This field is not required but we will need a way to contact you for any additional
information necessary to transfer your requested NFT to you.
Receive Wallet Address:
This field is not required but if you choose to provide this information please ensure that
you are providing a Receive wallet address on an exchange that accepts Solana token
minted NFTs.


akamileone's only official social media accounts associated with this project are those in the links at the bottom of the pages in this website. akamileone will not direct message you, ask you for money or crypto, ask you to install profit generating or crypto mining software on your computer or devices. The best way to communicate with akamileone is with the form on the Contact page in this website. You should consider anything you receive by US mail, email, text message or any social media platform not listed in the footer section on the pages in this website as 100% a scam.