Each of our NFT videos on YouTube features 40 individual images grouped by class of the characters shown. You can click on the respective link shown in the YouTube Video Selection Menu below to view the NFTs featured in the related video as individual still images. You can use this feature to confirm the number of any NFT you wish to request as a free gift under the terms as specified for making such a claim. Links to view NFTs featured in the latest YouTube videos will be available here two days after the posting date of each new video.
There are no NFT slideshow images to share at this time. NFT images from the most recent YouTube video will be posted here two days after the first video is published.
The akamileone Kaleido DreadNoughtus NFT collection consists of 10,000 NFTs. Each NFT is uniquely different from the perspectives of colors, shapes and overlay design while maintaining a consistent visual theme. The minted collectables are generated at 1920x1080 pixels in the JPEG (.jpg) image format.
akamileone's only official social media accounts associated with this project are those in the links at the bottom of the pages in this website. akamileone will not direct message you, ask you for money or crypto, ask you to install profit generating or crypto mining software on your computer or devices. The best way to communicate with akamileone is with the form on the Contact page in this website. You should consider anything you receive by US mail, email, text message or any social media platform not listed in the footer section on the pages in this website as 100% a scam.